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Created To Belong!

Meet Tawana Darshae Burks, author of a new Christian fiction book series, Created to Belong!

1. What inspired you to publish your book?

I always knew that God would use my testimony to help others, but I never knew exactly how He would do it. I was given clear instructions from the Lord through dreams and prophecies about writing a book inspired by my life as an adopted kid. Writing this book was in obedience to the word of God.

2. What can readers take away from your book?

Readers can take away strength from their individual journeys through life. You will be inspired, and your faith will either be strengthened or revived. You will walk away with a sense of freedom and revelation that all things work together for your good. Those that have dealt with trauma in any capacity will walk away with a deeper understanding of God’s nearness in all tragedies and trials throughout life.

3. What was your writing process like?

It took me years to finish this book. This is my first book ever; there were many things I did not know about the technical side of writing a fiction novel. I studied books on writing techniques, plotting, character development, and more. I watched countless YouTube videos from other independent authors and worked directly with my editor, who also became a mentor. I allowed my friends to be accountability partners, and I met up throughout the week with one of them to write for at least two years straight. Writing became a part-time job (sometimes full-time), and I had to be very committed to complete it. It took a lot of prayer, the Holy Spirit, community, research, and dedication to see it come forth.

4. Are you planning to write other books?

Absolutely, God-willing! This novel is a part of a series itself—it is just book 1 of the Created To Belong Series. I have always loved fiction and look forward to contributing to the Christian Fiction genre. I also believe there are some non-fiction books inside of me as well—so, stay tuned!

5. What’s a cool or interesting fact about yourself?

I have recently re-discovered my love for music! Specifically, old-school music (like Motown hits) and Jazz. Growing up in Detroit, Michigan, means that is the music I was raised on, but I recently realized it’s also a love of mine.

6. What is some advice you would give aspiring or first-time authors?

Start writing, and don’t stop until you are finished. I know that sounds very simple and silly, but it is so true! To elaborate on what I mean a little bit more: no matter if you get off track or don’t meet your deadlines, just keep going. Don’t give up when the process doesn’t look the way you want it to look. If you keep writing, even if you take long breaks, eventually, you will have a finished manuscript.

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