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Karim Z. Henry, Combatting Real Life Thoughts, with Real Truth!

Karim Z. Henry is a decorated police officer for the District of Columbia, where he serves the citizens of the 7th Ward (southeast quadrant). Karim has been recognized by his department with several Letters of commendation and awards, such as Officer of the Month; and most recently, he received the Ribbon of Valor for his bravery on the steps of the US Capitol during the historic January 6th, 2021 insurrection.

He is most known by the community as the president/founder of No Guns and Butter, Bread and Bibles Inc., also known as NGTripleB. NGTripleB is a faith-based organization that serves the community by providing "Bags of Love" to its people. A "Bag of Love" contains nonperishable snacks, toiletries, hygiene products, books, and other spiritually edifying literature, which includes The Holy Bible.

In addition to tracking down homicide suspects and apprehending men and women with guns, Officer Henry is a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and is beloved for his poise and charismatic approach in dealing with citizens during their most stressful times. When not working, Officer Henry is most known for hitting high-crime street corners and impoverished areas with his bullhorn and Bible, proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ.

After grappling with the poverty and high crime rate in the community, Karim received revelation regarding the reason for these issues. Karim believes most crimes occur because one is seeking provision, and the reason for poverty is the lack of knowledge of one's true identity in Christ. Karim realized this battle first begins with thoughts; making "the mind" the battlefield. Karim's revelation birthed the book, Shut Up Devil, written to combat these negative thoughts with Truth, which is the Word of God.

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