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Meet Akai Carter, Author of "I Am: Who Jesus Says I Am"

1. What inspired you to publish your book?

I want young readers to begin and even enhance their relationship with our Savior by identifying with the Word of God for themselves. Showing children that cultivating the connection to the living God through the Word of God is just as important for them as it is for adults.

2. What can readers take away from your book?

For some, it will serve as an introduction of applying their Kingdom identity to their lives, while others will be reminded of whom Christ has called them to be. I want all readers to flourish in their relationship with Christ, acknowledging they are whom Jesus has designed them to be.

3. What was your writing process like?

In a word, exciting! This was a book I would have liked as a child, so I pray it is a blessing to others. Being led by the Holy Spirit to pen this book and using the Bible as the foundation will simply not return void.

4. Are you planning to write other books?

As the Lord inspires, I would be open to producing another book to help readers on their Christian journey!

5. What's a cool or interesting fact about yourself?

Since melodies and songs stay in my heart, I may just break into one. So, what does that look like for those around me? They usually find me singing tunes to songs that come to mind from conversations or one simply in my heart. Now, I do not stand on the nearest table or chair and present these songs in a Broadway-style manner! (Ha, ha!) However, softly singing or humming melodies is simply a part of my life that I knowingly, and often unknowingly, share with others.

6. What is some advice you would give aspiring or first-time authors?

Do not let a myriad of fearful, even doubtful thoughts stop you. These small scenarios of fear and doubt will try to block the blessing in another's life. How can the Lord bless what you did not produce? It is not about you, but what has been given to you as a means to be a blessing for others. As my pastor often states, the 5-year traumatic life experience you overcame through Christ could aid in one's 7-minute deliverance! When the Lord provides the vision to complete an assignment, trust Him as you walk toward finishing it. As declared in the Word of God, He is the Author and Finisher of your faith, not fear.

With love,

Akai Carter


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